A period of not more than 30 minutes is set aside for oral questions from Members, at the expiry of which, the Mayor will call a halt and proceed to the next item of business of the agenda.  Any Member whose question then remains outstanding will be contacted to determine whether they wish to have a written answer provided or for their question to be carried over to the next meeting.


The following Members have indicated that they wish to put questions to the Leader, Chairs of Committees or Members of the Council that have been appointed to an outside body.  The Councillor asking the question may then ask one relevant supplementary question which shall be put and answered without discussion:


(1)          Councillor Mac Cafferty

            Subject matter: Our City Centre


Reply from Councillor Pissaridou, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


(2)          Councillor Bell

            Subject matter: Cross-Party Working


Reply from Councillor Platts, Leader of the Council


(3)         Councillor Clare

            Subject matter: School Improvement


Reply from Councillor Allcock, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


(4)          Councillor Wares

Subject matter: Home to School Transport


Reply from Councillor Allcock, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


(5)          Councillor Fishleigh

Subject matter: Lottery Funding for Madeira Terraces


Reply from Councillor Robins, Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


(6)          Councillor Janio

            Subject matter: Democracy in Brighton and Hove


Reply from Councillor Platts, Leader of the Council


(7)          Councillor Deane

            Subject matter: Tell Us Once


Reply from Councillor Yates, Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


(8)          Councillor Nemeth

            Subject matter: King Alfred


Reply from Councillor Platts, Leader of the Council


(9)          Councillor Shanks

            Subject matter: Pavement Parking


Reply from Councillor Pissaridou, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


(10)       Councillor Theobald

            Subject matter: Pavements & Graffiti


Reply from Councillor Pissaridou, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


(11)       Councillor Hills

            Subject matter: Voluntary Payments to the Council


Reply from Councillor Yates, Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


(12)       Councillor Rainey

Subject matter: Brighton Youth Centre


Brighton Youth Centre is a much-loved institution in Queens Park ward, however it is in dire need of rebuilding. The centre offers a mix of activities and projects for all young people including young carers, young offenders, young parents, homeless young people and young people with disabilities. Please can we have confirmation of the council support for the rebuild of the centre, and assurance that the capital investment and revenue required will be forthcoming, securing the proposed matched investment from Onside?


Reply from Councillor Allcock, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


(13)       Councillor Ebel

Subject matter: Brexit


Reply from Councillor Yates, Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


(14)       Councillor Heley

Subject matter: Recycling


Reply from Councillor Pissaridou, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee






(15)       Councillor Hugh-Jones

Subject matter: Equality Impact Assessments


Reply from Councillor Grimshaw, Lead Member for Equalities


(16)       Councillor Gibson

Subject matter: Budget Commitments to Achieve Council Priorities


Reply from Councillor Yates, Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


(17)       Councillor Powell

Subject matter: Equalities


Reply from Councillor Grimshaw, Lead Member for Equalities


(18)       Councillor Druitt

            Subject matter: Progress Towards a Net-Zero Economy in the City


Reply from Councillor Platts, Leader of the Council